NordicFlex Ultralift Resistance wheel

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This wheel is located near the resistance knob. There are two of these wheels for each Ultralift. These resistance wheels are manufactured of solid Polyurethane which makes them virtually indestructible and they include two bearings. The original NordicTrack wheels were manufactured from plastic and only had one bearing. The price is $60.00 for each wheel. You will be very pleased with the quality.

  • $60.00
In stock (36 items available)

Free Shipping for orders over $50 within the USA (Canada and international orders will be charged shipping).

This wheel is located near the resistance knob. There are two of these wheels for each Ultralift. These resistance wheels are manufactured of solid Polyurethane which makes them virtually indestructible and they include two bearings. The original NordicTrack wheels were manufactured from plastic and only had one bearing. The price is $60.00 for each wheel. You will be very pleased with the quality.

    • Weight
      1.5000 lbs
    • SKU
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